Sunday, November 9, 2008

information about ( bad credit contract mobile phone )

before i give some information about bad credit contract mobile phone i just want share some info regarding contract mobile phone , Contract mobile phones are mostly preferred over other deals as they bring a lot of money saving options.

This deal would want you to sign a contract for a specific period and pay some amount of money as security. You receive a bill at the end of the month. Contract mobile phones are for you if you have the habit of talking quite a lot on your mobile phone. So while selecting a mobile phone plan, you need to figure out how much you'll be using your phone. With contract mobile phones, come a lot of benefits and even a free mobile handset. Contract mobile phones are locked to a specific network and you need to pay a fixed monthly line rental. Contract mobile phones are coming up with many lucrative deals which is increasing the popularity of contract mobile phones in the UK, so why bad credit contract mobile phone can be? the answer is you not paid what are you using when bill coming in. :)

Some people when he or she found they have bad credit contract mobile phone and then try find other company to get new Contract mobile phone maby for them to solved the problem like this way but u should understand the mobile company will check your credit history for mobile phone using their system before give you the contract so the answer u cannot it to. Most reputable mobile phone companies take your credit history very seriously so u dont have any choice to do this.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Customer comment about bad credit contract mobile phone

Benroy comment: "I have a two-year contract with Verizon. I have

had so many problems with their practices and policies that I literally count
the days until the contract expires. In one-hundred & seventy-one days I will
switch to a month-to-month or prepaid provider.
Any cell phone contract should come with a free barrel so that the customer has
something to be bent over."

Rubyhawk comment: "I have a 2 year contract with Rogers here in
Canada and they have consistently overcharged me for off peak calls

and I am behind now simply because I didn't get anywhere with them on this
matter. Thy don't seem to know recognize

their own errors. This is the problem with most large Corporations, once they
become too large they become difunctional."

Theroad54 comment: "I started out with S.W. Bell, than Cingular, Now
AT&T. My experience has been with the "REP" company that is like a "front "
company. They provide more than just mobile phone service,and they even let me
switch my plan around , with in the contract period. I can increase, decrease
minutes, and different options.I guess my experience's have been a little
different. I haven't seen a big difference in my bill, but I've only had AT&T
for a short time and I'm waiting to see if my contract provider does some of the
same problems I have heard of."

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

got bad credit contract mobile phone, find other solution?

1. metro pcs they have no credit checks and have the cheapest service 30$ a month for unlimited calling. They also have a month to month payment plan so you can cancel anytime!

2. ATT and VirginMobile have fairly decent no-credit check/no contract plans....
Net10 and T-Mobile have prepaid rates at ten cents a minute

3. Anyone more than likely will still give you service they just will require a large deposit.

4. Go to Walmart and buy one of those $15 phones. They are prepaid (only about $15 every 3 months). I love mine. Extra minutes are a bit extra but I've never gone over.
Wait, I just realized, you will need a credit card to pay your bil. Oh well. I tried.
And that folks is why the rich get richer, and the poor get poorer. He'll end up paying $75 / month with a huge deposit.

5. In the current economic climate no-one will arrange a contract for someone with bad credit, if they do then the contract won't be worth having. There are some amazing PAYG offers out at the minute - try them first.

6. The major carriers are going to charge you a large deposit if you have bad credit. You can, however, buy a Trak phone with a card with prepaid minutes. When you get low on minutes, you can just buy more - no deposit needed.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

bad credit but want free mobile phone without credit check

some consumer have bad credit rating when using contract mobile at the same time need free mobile phone without credit check. did u think can? i have done some research and the answer is yes. how? the answer is below

i Would recommend for free mobiles no credit check.

They have the UK`s best value mobile phone tariff on Blackberry 8310, 8110, LG KC550, Nokia 2630, 3109, 3600 Slide , Samsung, Sony etc...

hopefully will help anybody who need free mobile phone without credit check .. :)

Saturday, August 2, 2008

main provider contract mobile phone in UK

i have do some research and found the list of main provider contract mobile phone in UK . so hopefully u will got good info to make choice who the best before signup below
T mobile

before i forgot just want let u know for this all contract mobile phone service provider offer free sims on pay as you go.

bad credit contract mobile phone

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

People opinion ( bad credit contract mobile phone )

bad credit contract mobile phone

try to get other people suggestion about when have bad credit contract mobile phone . they has told me like below

"Consider putting it under someone else's name, but you pay for everything? Like they do for elderly people - you would be the 2nd party in case they can't pay the bills" ,

"Your chances are pretty slim because the companies will likely run your credit when you go in to try to get a contract mobile phone. Your best bet is to go to places like metro pcs or other places that offer prepaid phones, which do not require contracts. best buy, for instance offers virgin prepaid mobiles. You're not going to get the same deals as you would if you got a contract phone, but the good thing is that you're not held to any terms, which means no early termination fee."

"Try a different company than the one you were refused from. Companies will have different credit criteria. Most likely if a company does take you on as a contract customer, you will have to pay a deposit (sometimes up to $1,000)."

the conclusion "just pay cash for phone with prepaid minutes" , please dont start bad credit contract mobile phone if u read this article , please pay what are you using for or pay first before you using it.